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CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIOM – Roma, 15 dicembre 2023

20 miliardi di euro l’anno: i costi per il cancro in Italia – Prevenzione attiva, la vera arma vincente

Commitment to Science and Research Integrity

• All research funded or supported by the Bioscience Foundation will be conducted with the utmost integrity, transparency, and adherence to the highest scientific standards

• We commit to thorough peer review processes and will prioritise funding projects that have a clear, preventive focus and demonstrable potential for tangible impact

Non-discrimination Policy

• Bioscience Foundation is dedicated to serving all communities irrespective of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status

• All programs, initiatives, and grants will be made available based on need and merit, without any form of discrimination

Data Protection and Patient Confidentiality

• Any personal data or medical information obtained will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with all relevant laws and best practices

• All researchers and partners must adhere to stringent data protection guidelines

Financial Transparency and Accountability

• All financial transactions, grants, and expenditures will be documented and audited regularly

• The Foundation will publish an annual report detailing its financial activities to ensure stakeholders remain informed and to maintain public trust

Partnerships and Collaborations

• All collaborations must be transparent, with clear terms of engagement and mutually agreed-upon goals

• The Foundation will publish an annual report detailing its financial activities to ensure stakeholders remain informed and to maintain public trust

Conflict of Interest

• Board members, staff, and affiliated researchers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the matters of funding, research results, or partnerships

• No individual can use the Foundation’s resources or information for personal gain

Continuous Education and Training

• Staff, volunteers, and affiliated partners will undergo regular training on the latest research and preventive strategies related to cancer prevention

• The Foundation will also invest in programs that encourage the personal and professional growth of its members

Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback

• The Foundation will actively seek feedback from beneficiaries, partners, and the general public to continuously refine and improve its programs

• All complaints, concerns, or suggestions will be treated seriously, and prompt remedial action will be taken where necessary

Health and Safety

• All Foundation events, research initiatives, and programs will prioritize the health and safety of participants, staff, and volunteers

• The Foundation will regularly review its health and safety protocols to ensure they align with best practices and regulatory requirements

Environmental Responsibility

• The Foundation recognizes the link between environmental health and cancer prevention. We commit to eco-friendly practices in our operations and will champion initiatives that promote environmental well-being as a preventive measure. Communication and Representation

• All communications representing the Foundation, whether they be publications, press releases, or digital content, must be accurate, respectful, and reflect our core values

• Misrepresentation or dissemination of misleading information is strictly prohibited and can result in severance of ties or termination