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CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIOM – Roma, 15 dicembre 2023

20 miliardi di euro l’anno: i costi per il cancro in Italia – Prevenzione attiva, la vera arma vincente

Shifting the Paradigm from Early Detection to Cancer Driver Interception In the dynamic landscape of cancer prevention, staying ahead means constant evolution. While early detection has played a monumental role in reducing cancer mortality, the future beckons with a more proactive approach: intercepting the drivers of cancer before they even initiate the disease. At Bioscience Foundation, we embrace this paradigm shift and are committed to steering the preventive measures in this transformative direction.

Advanced Research Funding

Allocate resources to groundbreaking research that focuses on understanding, identifying, and targeting cancer drivers before they lead to disease manifestation.

Collaborative Efforts with Scientific Entities

Forge partnerships with global research institutes, biotechnological firms, and pharmaceutical entities to delve deeper into the science of cancer driver interception collaboratively

Public Awareness and Education

Initiate public awareness campaigns highlighting the shift in focus from mere early detection to proactive interception, emphasizing the potential for true prevention.

Training Healthcare Professionals

Organize workshops, conferences, and seminars to educate healthcare professionals about the nuances of cancer driver interception, ensuring they are primed to adopt this approach in clinical practice.

Development of Diagnostic Technologies

Support the creation and validation of diagnostic tools specifically designed to identify and measure cancer drivers in their nascent stages, even before they manifest any clinical symptoms.

Patient Counseling and Genetic Testing

Offer specialized counseling sessions for individuals, especially those with family histories of cancer, guiding them through genetic testing and understanding their potential risks at the molecular level.

Policy Advocacy

Engage with policymakers to revise and update cancer prevention guidelines, emphasizing the role of cancer driver interception over traditional early detection methodologies.

Pharma and Biotech Engagements:

Collaborate closely with the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors to expedite the development of interventions and therapies targeting cancer drivers at the molecular level.

Establishing Interception Centers:

Envision and support the establishment of specialized centers where individuals can undergo comprehensive evaluations to identify and intercept cancer drivers, ensuring the broadest possible access to this paradigm-shifting approach.

Continuous Monitoring and Feedback:

Establish mechanisms to monitor the efficacy of interception strategies, collecting data and feedback to refine and optimize approaches for better outcomes.

Cancer prevention education as an approach over early detection represents a significant paradigm shift in oncology.